1 & 2 Peter: Bible Keywording Guide

After his denial of Jesus, Peter probably grew to hate the sound of roosters crowing. However, it wasn’t long after Christ ascended to heaven that Peter came into his own and embraced the role of a leader who would gladly suffer at the hands of men for the sake of His Lord. A fisherman, husband, father, apostle, preacher, elder, and eventual martyr – Peter lived his life to show the world Jesus. He wrote his first letter to assure suffering Christians that their faith in the Lord is worth it. Life has its challenges, but they are temporary. The crown of glory is unfading. His second letter is a reminder that godliness is possible in an ungodly world. God has promised to save those who have obeyed His Word, and that judgment and destruction await those who love unrighteousness. Use this guide to mark Peter’s key words and concepts, immersing yourself in these great letters from a man who was forged into a pillar of the church by Jesus Himself.



John, the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” crafts his gospel account of Christ in a simple, yet masterful way. Bread seems like such a simple thing. Light – water –
shepherds…all very understandable. And yet, John plunges his readers into a
whole new spiritual depth of understanding by truly revealing Christ’s role in the lives of men. Bread satisfies our bodies temporarily, but the Bread of Life satisfies forever. Water is good for our parched tongue, but the Living Water will save our souls. Key word John’s gospel and see for yourself how Jesus revealed Himself to the people of His day and what lessons we still draw from Him generations later.



Jesus’ brothers were some of His harshest critics while He walked the earth. From calling Him crazy, to trying to get Him killed, it’s clear that Jesus’ siblings had yet to be convinced that He was indeed the Son of God. But wouldn’t you know it … seeing your brother alive again after being scourged and nailed to a cross is rather convincing! James and Jude would henceforth devote their lives to championing the Christian cause. In his letter, James delivers simple, yet powerful teachings of practical “where the rubber meets the road” Christian living. His younger brother, Jude, warns of the dangers of false teachers who have begun rubbing elbows with God’s people. Mark the key words in these letters and see how the mind of our Lord is revealed by those who were raised in the same household as God in the flesh.



Like all of us, the Thessalonians were an imperfect group of people. However, this congregation was endeared to the Apostle Paul and found a special place in his heart. The Gospel had transformed this rag-tag group of people (including some pagan idolaters) into a model young church that “sounded forth” the Word of God through the land and left Paul beaming with pride. Distressed and persecuted for their newfound faith, this group of believers only grew stronger in their love for each other and their fellow man. Mark the key words in these letters and discover just how powerful the Gospel message is in the lives of those who put their sole trust in the Lord. From day-to-day matters to deep theological considerations, the Thessalonian letters are sure to deepen your relationship with the Lord.